Remember the Rule of Thirds

GoodRivaldo, May 20 2019

Remember the Rule of Thirds

If you would like to be an excellent photographer, there are tons of tricks to learn about and the rule of thirds is one of these, especially used by landscape or street photographers

What this rule is about?

This is about the wise application of asymmetry on photos in such way that It still seems symmetric and relaxing while in the same time it shows more action and therefore looks more interesting than a normal symmetric photo would. For instance the focus is not on the middle but on one third section of the photo

How to apply it

While it seems that the photo was taken like this by accident, this is far from the truth as there are several measuring processes going on in the background. The point of this sort of photography is to photo is divided into 3 thirds both vertically and horizontally and plan very punctually what goes where in order to keep symmetry in a different way. This requires tons of experimenting but once you learn it you will instantly recognize it on others’ photos too.

Remember the Rule of Thirds

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