photographing, think about how to please yourself, and no one else

GoodRivaldo, May 15 2019

photographing, think about how to please yourself, and no one else

Ok, so maybe this title might sound strange to you, but all what it means is, that you should try to enjoy what you are doing and never want to become trendy or photograph of what you think is trendy or brings more money. Use this as a hobby, learn, exercise and see where it all goes With talent come the opportunities and no matter what you do in the future, from real estate to wedding photography don’t ever forget your roots, which means your most favorite themes, topics and type of photography.

Just like painting or drawing, photography mirrors a piece of life It’s art just like the others So, you should treat it that way and try to bring out the best of it, for your own sake and happiness and never for the money or possible fame which may come from it.

photographing, think about how to please yourself, and no one else

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