Even better equipment will not help you if you chose the wrong point for shooting

GoodRivaldo, May 19 2019

Even better equipment will not help you if you chose the wrong point for shooting

We need to emphasize from time to time, especially to those who are big fans of technology, is that technology, while being your friend, will not “make you” learn how to do stuff This means, your camera will not make you a genius photographer it will take years and years of exercising, learning, experimenting and multiple cameras until you

  • Find out what you want to specialize in
  • Find out what techniques suit you
  • Find out what you need to work more on

And once you get all this information, you decide to invest in the type of camera which was specifically devised for doing the sort of photography you are planning to do as well Up until then, a good compact handy cam will be more than perfect for you. Today’s cams are so good that you really won’t need an expensive giant to be a brilliant photographer Learn and experiment instead to really learn more about photography.

Even better equipment will not help you if you chose the wrong point for shooting

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