Auto ISO is your best assistant

GoodRivaldo, May 20 2019

Auto ISO is your best assistant

ISO is the setting which you need if you want to take good photos of one or more of the following

  • Landscape or street view during dusk or dawn
  • Sea in the evening
  • City lights
  • Fireworks
  • Boats on rivers in the evening

As you may have guessed ISO is all about making low light environment work in a photo But ISO is no magic wand either You need plenty of skills to be able to shoot efficiently in the dark and the first step to this is to find the auto ISO functionality on your camera or if you don’t yet have one, get one with such functionality

Auto ISO enables even beginners to shoot relatively well in low light environments and as an extra it gives you a great opportunity as a beginner to experiment and exercise. Of course auto ISO does not mean you cannot set its level lower or higher if you wanted to.

Auto ISO is your best assistant

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