After setting the theme of the photo session, you stay focused

GoodRivaldo, May 14 2019

After setting the theme of the photo session, you stay focused

There are tons of themes and topics around us, but once you made up your mind, don’t let anything distract you because as we all know losing focus never has a good outcome. So, if you come up with the idea to go to the zoo and shoot photos in the Lullaby house, then don’t let anything keep you away from this idea, not even yourself

Stay determined but also make sure you are well rested and you are not in a hurry because the stress of hurry would show on your photos. Therefore have the theme, have the idea and do your best to make it come true. You can also pre-plan weekly themes for you, which gives you enough variation that you can exercise multiple aspects of photography. One day street the other animals etc. This will help you find your own style and most favorite theme all the faster

After setting the theme of the photo session, you stay focused

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