Study other people's work
GoodRivaldo, May 08 2019
We suggest you to follow photo forums, accounts and other photo related websites especially those which post in high frequency and those which have their own community, which welcomes new members and helps them with photo tips and advice This is inspiring and constructive in the same time It can help you greatly with your working process you can also see and learn how others approach all sorts of different topics and you can learn from them ask their technique and try to make these yourself too
There are hundreds of thousands of people who like to take photos and these days when smartphones are also equipped with pretty good cameras this number is steadily growing. This means there is much to share and even more to learn from as to what to do, what not to do. What’s the best thing in this is to learn about choosing topics and the basic approach to photography In the same time you can also learn a lot about the usage of accessories, extra lens, ISO and zoom